Youth Climate Summit presents Eco Fair
February 19
10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Included with admission
Join us for an environmental education event encouraging participants to learn about and protect their natural world.
Eco Fair exhibitors will be set up around the museum’s campus and will feature green businesses, environmental stewardship organizations, hands-on activities, and those working towards a more sustainable future.
Eco-Fair Exhibitors include:
- Bike Durham: Learn about advocacy activities, educational programs in DPS, and community engagement to empower all people to walk, bike, and ride transit more often.
- New Hope Audubon Society: Engage in interactive games to learn about birds and how to establish a bird-friendly habitat.
- Piedmont Wildlife Center: Meet live reptiles and raptors and learn about how you can engage in community science to understand better and protect these North Carolina native species. 11:00 am – 1:00 pm.
- Duke Gardens: Observe and touch natural artifacts, plant a seed to take home, and learn about the iNaturalist app.
- Sunrise Movement Durham Hub: Learn about this local branch of Sunrise, the national youth-led movement to stop climate change and create millions of green jobs in the process.
- Bluestem: Learn about Green Burial and the community and climate impacts of a conservation cemetery. Check out samples of biodegradable materials people can choose to be buried in.
- Ellerbee Creek Watershed Association: Learn about our urban watershed-connected nature preserves. Check out animal artifacts from some of the animals who inhabit the preserves.
- Hoffman Nursery: Learn how native grasses can be used for stormwater control measures and how native grasses sequester carbon and mitigate climate change impacts.
- Environmental Protection Agency: Engage with hands-on activities exploring energy use and climate change.
- North Carolina Wildlife Federation: Learn about conservation programs and habitat restorations happening right here in Durham and Wake County!
- Keep Durham Beautiful: Learn about conservation programs and habitat restorations happening right here in Durham and Wake County!
- Durham Beekeeper’s Association: Learn about popular pollinators and check our beekeeping tools and educational hive!
- Durham County Sustainability Office: Learn about what Durham County is doing to fight climate change, increase resilience and renewable energy, and make Durham more sustainable.