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Nest box update 3.24.21

This is the fourth week of peeking into the six bluebird nest boxes on our bluebird trail to spy on the activities of the local avifauna. There’s not much to spy on though. Three of our nest boxes are empty and show no activity, and only one of the other three has seen any changes at all since last week.

The Cow Pasture (CP) nest box along with the Explore the Wild (ETW) and Into the Mist (MIST) nest boxes have seen no activity. No nest material has been place in either box.

No action in Explore the Wild nest box.

The nest box on the east side of the parking deck (PKE) still has a partial bluebird nest inside. However, it has not changed in the past three weeks.

Last week, the nest box located on the west side of the parking deck (PKW) had three bluebird eggs. Today, the female was incubating at the time of the inspection. She was sitting on four eggs.

Four eggs now in PKW nest box. Female was incubating.

There’s still a half complete bluebird nest in the nest box behind the Butterfly House (BFH). However, there’s been no sign of further activity in the box.

Stalled production on Butterfly House bluebird nest.

In summary, there are three empty nest boxes and three with bluebird nest material. Only one of the nests has eggs, the PKW nest, and there has been no further nest material placed in either of the other nest boxes which were started by bluebirds.

Will this coming week bring more activity on the trail? Will the chickadees chime in?

Till next week…