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Blog Animals

Oak and Niko

Now that word is out about the new pair of red wolves have arrived at the museum, Niko and Oak, you may want to come to have a look at them.

Both wolves are still getting used to their enclosure and the rush of people stopping in or passing by the exhibit space. They’ve only been on-site a handful of days, and it’s going to take a while to acclimate to the new sounds, sights, and terrain. Neither wolf has had much experience with onlookers. If you do visit, please be respectful of the acclimation process.

For the first few days after arriving at the Museum, they spent much of their time in the kennel area on the right side of the enclosure. Since they’ve been coming out exploring and will no doubt spend more time out in the “open” exhibit as time goes on. Oak spent most of today (11.11.22) up on the ridge on the back side of the enclosure.

Cautiously protecting his prize, Niko has one ear tuned to the left, one to the right quarter, and both eyes on me…


…all sensors on the white lab rat he’s been guarding and anticipating eating. (there are two rats in this shot, placed there by the animal care folks. Can you find the second?)


When the wolves are finally used to all of the hubbub and are running around like they own the place, ignoring the human visitors and simply living their lives, I’ll have more information and photos to share with you. But for now, just a few tips as to figuring out who’s who in the red wolf enclosure.

Both wolves are nearly identical in size and color. But besides the fact that she’s a female, Oak has a small white patch on each of her cheeks and more white fur on her body around the base of her tail than her male companion Niko. More ID tips will follow, but that should get you by for now.



