Spring Update
May 20, 2021
If you’ve not been outside lately, here’s some of what you may have missed.
Cross vine has been blooming for more than a week. This particular vine is on the Dinosaur Trail. Look up as you pass the Myasaura.
Common snapping turtles mate, as do other turtles, each spring. However, it’s a pretty rough and tumble affair for snappers. There’s lots of splashing, snapping, and rolling over and over, in and under the water. It may last more than an hour.
As the days go on, more and more butterflies are being seen.
Monarchs have been migrating through, laying eggs and munching milkweed.
Great-crested flycatchers have been very vocal in the past few weeks.
Song sparrows sing along with catbirds, cardinals, tanagers, towhees, and thrashers.
Every day the scene changes. If you’re not out there, you won’t see it happen.