Kid runs through treehouses

Museum Clubhouse FAQ

Program info


Pick-up and drop-off

Safety and COVID-19

Program Information

What is the Museum Clubhouse?

The Museum Clubhouse is a new learning support program for the fall, created from the requests and input of our Members and community. With the physical opening of schools delayed until October at the earliest, we asked what the Museum could do to help augment your children’s learning and generally make your lives a bit easier.

Each Museum Clubhouse class will be facilitated by two trained educators and held in-person on our Museum campus. We will make use of our dedicated labs, classrooms, and extensive outdoor environments. It will include support of your child’s remote learning issued by their school (accommodating real-time videoconferences and collaboration wherever possible), project-based STEM activities, outdoor explorations and play, and in-person socialization with a small group of others.

The Museum Clubhouse will apply a range of safety measures to mitigate health risks, including small class sizes to allow for physical distancing, keeping classes separate from each other and from staff and Museum visitors, and extensive sanitation efforts.

What will a typical day look like for my student?

Days will vary with the needs of each class. Typically, students will spend the morning doing schoolwork with breaks for snacks and outside play. We will do our best to stick to the student’s school schedule but may need to rely on asynchronous instruction for some kids. After lunch, the students who have finished their schoolwork will have more time for outside exploration, visiting exhibits, and experimenting with interactive science activities.

We aim to have students outside three to four hours a day, depending on the weather. Students will spend time in both free exploration and play, and in structured nature activities appropriate for each age level. Specific activities are planned by our expert outdoor educators and guided by the interests of the group.

Classrooms: Each classroom has access to a sink and a private bathroom. Most of our classrooms have access directly to exterior doors, and those that don’t can be accessed through private hallways.

Class size: We will host class sizes of 10 or fewer and have two educators per classroom, for increased safety and personal attention.

Outside space: The Museum has access to a bounty of outdoor spaces where students can spend a large part of the day! During outside time, students will stay separated from other groups of students and museum guests.

Cohorts: We will generally put students into classes based on age. We will place family or other “pod” members in the same group to the extent possible. Please make a note of those students you would like to put together in your registration.

Can I sign up for a 3-day and 2-day session to send my child for 5-days a week?

We take Covid-19 safety very seriously. In order to maintain strict cohorts, we will not allow the same child to attend a 3-day cohort and a 2-day cohort. We are sorry for the inconvenience that may cause for people who want to attend five days a week.

What is the difference between Homeschool and Museum Clubhouse?

Museum Clubhouse is a program designed for kindergarten through eighth-grade students who are participating in online learning through their schools. Museum educators assist small groups of learners with their online schoolwork, lead project-based STEM activities, and encourage outdoor play and exploration.

The Homeschool program, in contrast, has a unique curriculum created by our educators. We have designed various classes that meet for two or three hours a week over five weeks. These classes are topic-specific, and educators use interactive activities and inquiry-based teaching to guide students through the learning process. Homeschool classes are also an excellent option for families who would like to supplement their child’s online schooling in a once a week, small group setting.

What should my child bring to class?

All students need to bring a face mask (and a spare if possible), a water bottle, a snack, a lunch (unless you ordered one ahead of time), an extra set of clothes, computer/Chromebook, charger, headphones, and any other school items that may be needed. All classes have two snack times, which will also be indicated in your welcome email the week before class starts. Please label all items. Students should dress in comfortable clothing and closed-toe shoes for indoor and outdoor Museum exploration.

Meet our Teachers

Registration Information

Can I sign up for one week at a time?

To maintain more consistent groups week-to-week, and to accommodate what we currently know of local school system plans, we will have three sessions for the fall: six weeks, four weeks, and four weeks long. These longer sessions will lower risk for COVID-19 transmission, allow students a more consistent schedule throughout the semester, and give them a chance to get to know their teachers and fellow classmates better. If students sign up for more than one session, we will do our best to keep groups of students in the same class each session.

Will the staff be teaching my child?

Our educators have backgrounds in formal and informal learning. Their primary goals will be in supporting your child and their school’s teachers in completing their daily schoolwork, facilitating socialization, and leading fun outdoor science activities during breaks and downtime.

We are happy to help with schoolwork. However, your learner’s school teacher will ultimately evaluate their schoolwork.

What do I need to make a reservation?

To register, Please visit Create an Account. We recommend setting up your profile ahead of the registration date so you can sign up for sessions as quickly and easily as possible. Once your registration is complete, add details for every student in your household. Just choose “Add a person…” It’s that easy! On the day of registration, click the “Purchase” button and start a reservation to purchase sessions for each of your students.

If you are experiencing trouble with registering or do not have access to a computer, please call our reservations staff at (919) 220-5420 ext. 313.

Is there a waitlist for full classes?

Yes, a waitlist will become available once a class has filled. To sign up for the waitlist, first sign in to your account and then go to “Make a Reservation.” You will find the waitlist sign-up at the bottom of the list of available classes. If a space becomes available, you’ll receive an email with further registration instructions.

Is there a cancellation policy?

There is a $100 non-refundable deposit due at the time of registration. The remainder of the program fee is due three weeks before the start date. Less than three weeks before the beginning of the session, we are not able to process any changes or refunds. Notification of cancellations must be made in writing and by emailing our Reservations office.

Are you able to accommodate my child with medical allergies or special needs?

The Museum is committed to full and equal opportunity for children to enjoy the class experience, and we will consider reasonable modifications. If your child has serious behavioral, physical, or psychological considerations, please discuss student readiness by emailwith the Program Coordinator directly. We are also happy to work with you to accommodate food allergies/intolerances.

Do I pay in full, or can I pay a deposit?

We require a $100 deposit at the time of registration. Payment in full is due three weeks before the first day of class.

Are scholarships available?

A limited number of scholarships are available for families who meet the income eligibility guidelines for the National School Lunch Program, or who are facing other financial hardships. If you would like to apply for a scholarship, please fill out this application. We are currently seeking additional funding to increase the scholarships we offer. If you would like to contribute to the scholarship fund, please contact us.

Pick-up and Drop-Off

How will drop-off and pick-up work?

We have designed our drop-off and pick-up policies to mirror guidelines from the American Camp Association and the NC DHHS during the coronavirus pandemic. Where possible, the same person should drop-off and pick-up the same student each day. Avoid designating those considered at high risk, such as elderly grandparents who are over 65 years of age.

Our goal is to limit direct contact with parents and caregivers as much as possible and only allow students and Museum staff inside the buildings. We will do this by using car lines for both drop-off and pick-up. Drop-off is a range of time between 8:00 and 8:30 each morning, and pick-up is between 3:30-4:00. You will be emailed ahead of class with information on exact drop-off and pick-up locations and protocol.

We will have a staff member waiting in the parking lot to greet cars as they arrive. The staff member checking in students will remain six feet away from each driver, if possible, and wear a mask. Before allowing the students out of the car, the staff member will ask each driver health screening questions and take the student’s temperature with a touchless thermometer. Temperatures must be below 100.4. We will escort students to their classrooms. Drivers will stay in the car during the entire drop-off.

Students will wash hands upon arriving, throughout the day as needed, and again before pick-up.

Pick-up will also use a car line. We will have the car line clearly marked, check your identification, and bring your student to your car while you wait.

What do I do if I need to pick-up my child early?

If possible, please let the Program Coordinator know ahead of time so they can have your student ready to go. However, we understand that plans sometimes change. You can always call our main Museum phone number, 919-220-5429 between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm. When arriving outside standard pick-up times, please go to the front admission desk and have them radio your class since they may be in the exhibits or out learning in the Museum.

What do I do if I need someone else to pick-up my child?

Authorized pick-ups are entered through your account. You can adjust them up to the week proceeding class. After that time, authorized pick-ups can be entered manually into our class rosters. On the first day of class, please be sure to check your student’s roster for the names of individuals authorized for pick-up and add anyone else. You can also speak with or contact staff with changes during the week.

Safety and COVID-related Information

How will daily screening work?

We will ask the person dropping off the student before class daily screening questions provided by the NC Department of Health and Human Services.

These questions are:

  1. Do you or do any of the students you are dropping off have a temperature higher than 100.4 F, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, new loss of taste or smell (vomiting or diarrhea, children only)?
  2. Have you or any of the students you are dropping off had any of the above symptoms since the last time you were here, or has anyone in your household or anyone you’ve had close contact presented any of these symptoms in the last 14 days?

* Fever is determined by a thermometer reading 100.4 or higher or by subjective signs such as flushed cheeks, fatigue, extreme fussiness, chills, shivering, sweating, achiness, headache, not eating or drinking.

** Exposure is sharing a household or having close contact with anyone with COVID 19 or has symptoms of COVID 19.

We will also ask all staff daily screening questions provided by the NC Department of Health and Human Services about health symptoms and social distancing.

Staff and students will all have their temperatures taken daily by Museum staff.  We will not admit anyone to class with a temperature over 100.4.

We will not admit anyone to class who exhibits any COVID 19 symptoms, OR who have been in contact with someone exhibiting COVID- like symptoms.

Who will be required to wear masks?

All staff and students will be required to bring masks and to wear masks except during lunch, water, and snack breaks where physical distancing will be required.

What happens if someone in class displays symptoms of COVID-19?

If a student demonstrates COVID-like symptoms (fever, cough, GI issues, etc.) in class, we will move them to an isolated location and will notify caregivers for immediate pick-up. We will ask any student who is sent home with COVID-like symptoms to stay home until receiving a negative COVID test from a health professional, OR at least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared. If someone is sent home from class for COVID-like symptoms, we will follow the Health Department’s guidance for contact tracing and inform families from all groups who may have been exposed.

If there are indications that a staff member or student with COVID-19 (symptomatic or asymptomatic) has attended class, we will notify families immediately.

We request that families remain in contact with us post-program and let us know if they find that their child may have been COVID-19 positive during the program. If this is the case, we will notify all students and staff who may have been in contact with the student.

As medical information is updated, this policy is subject to change.

What should I do if my child or other family member has symptoms or tests positive after attending?

Please let us know if you have a fever or if anyone in your household tests positive for COVID-19 within the two weeks after attending Museum Clubhouse.

What if my student or someone in my household is at high risk for contacting COVID-19?

If you are not sure if you should attend, please discuss it with your medical provider. Anyone who is at higher risk for severe illness if infected by COVID-19, including people with moderate to severe asthma, diabetes, or are immunocompromised, OR anyone who shared a household with one of these underlying conditions should seriously consider not attending class this fall.

What will cleaning procedures entail? What products do you use?

We sanitize spaces daily and will sanitize any shared materials between uses. A more detailed list of sanitizing products and procedures is forthcoming.

Register for Museum Clubhouse

We look forward to learning and exploring with you! Spots are limited, so reserve your spot today if you don’t want to miss out!

Register Now
Child playing on wood stumps in Hideaway Woods