clock 10 am – 5 pm
Blog Nature

Feeling the heat?

It may be hot out there, but at least their’s plenty to look at to get your mind off the temperature, somewhat.

Green tree frog peeks out from frog pipe in Earth Moves.
Female blue dasher.
Male blue dasher.
Fiery skipper on heliotrope.
Fiery skipper from behind.
Male fragile forktail.
Male great blue skimmer.
Another male great blue skimmer.
Green heron drops in.
Scanning for fish, tadpoles, dragonflies…
Green striped mapleworm will become a lovely pink and yellow moth called the rosy maple moth.
Red wolf pup takes break in shade.
Female slaty skimmer.
Female slaty skimmer about to lay eggs in water (oviposit).
Male slaty skimmer.
Another male slaty skimmer.
Silver-spotted skipper.

If you’re going to take a photo of a silver-spotted skipper, do it fast, they don’t sit still long.

And it’s off.

You never know what or who you’re going to run into.

Entomologist Leon enjoys his new electric scooter.
Ranger Greg and volunteer Sammie walk the perimeter looking for critters.

Yes, it’s hot, but you can’t see any of these things sitting inside with the A/C cranked up.